Decide what you can delegate to hubby, kids or to a teenager eager to earn a few dollars. I think the best way you can spend $20 on home based business is to pay a mommy's helper to come over for several hours and clean or play kids while do business. Make sure have a long to do list at the ready so time checking email or reading blogs.
kids can be paid surprisingly small amounts of money to do cleaning that is above and beyond their regular chores. Don't feel guilty about doing this. I know one 6 year old who is one Jabba the Hutt Lego set richer because of all the dimes and quarters he earned vacuuming. Ahem.
Procrastinate the tasks that take the same amount of time to do whether they're done daily or weekly. Dishes, for one, take longer to do the longer they sit. Vacuuming and dusting take the same amount of time whether they're done daily or weekly.
And soon as you can afford to, pay someone to do things around the house while you focus on more important tasks. And if you can't do that, invite someone over for a playdate. It's amazing how much energy drum up when company's coming, and how fast clean too!
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